What Can You Expect From Us – If We Invest In Your Company

For us, business is about people. We, therefore, lay heavy emphasis on meetings, taking the time and effort to understand the management’s ethos and motivation. We want to invest in people we like, trust and admire.

The right talent in the right place can dramatically improve the long-term equity value of any company. Site visits are undertaken to identify first-class operators and understand the company’s culture. We want to invest alongside superior management who understand capital allocation and shareholder value.

We expect the management to run the businesses ethically, with a long-term mindset, and for the benefit of all stakeholders. We strictly see ourselves as investors, and allocators of capital, and have no desire (or skill) to manage our investee companies.

Our managers know their businesses backward and need none of our interference. However, while we do not claim our network is better than theirs, we do think our network is likely to be different. We are able to introduce non-executive directors, advisers or key recruits. During fund raisings, we can lead the round, make relevant introductions and accelerate the process to a successful close.

As shareholders, we see ourselves as co-owners of the business and co-partners to the management. There is no hiding: We want our companies to succeed and will do what we can for the company’s benefit.

In short, we will act and behave like your business partner.

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