A Family Office structure focuses on helping families gain a tighter control over their wealth.

A customised portfolio could either be for wealth preservation, growth or passing on wealth to the next generation. Each Family is unique in its own way and to be effective a bespoke portfolio is required. One size does not fit all.

As a fully FCA regulated firm, all our activities are undertaken with utmost confidentiality – and integrity is at the heart of everything we do at Sterling. In our core role as money managers in listed equities we have price moving “inside information” every other week. Simply put, if we can handle inside information on a regular basis, we can certainly deal with confidential money matters. It all comes natural to us. 

A seamless web of deserved trust

You are a Family Member and keen to bring more structure to your investment operations

You are a high earning Executive.

You are an entrepreneur who has successfully built and sold a business, partly or fully*

We bring in our expertise

We look after your wealth so you can totally focus on your career
We focus on our skill – investing
You are a business builder.
However, we believe investing requires a different skillset. We give it the time and attention it demands
*Entrepreneurs often do not plan their exit well and undergo varied emotions when they sell their company. The transition (during sale and after) can very often be handled better with the right expertise.

A seamless web of deserved trust

You are a Family Member and keen to bring more structure to your investment operations

We bring in our expertise

You are a high earning Executive.

We look after your wealth so you can totally focus on your career
We focus on our skill – investing

You are an entrepreneur who has successfully built and sold a business, partly or fully*

You are a business builder.
However, we believe investing requires a different skillset. We give it the time and attention it demands
Entrepreneurs often do not plan their exit well and undergo varied emotions when they sell their company. The transition (during sale and after) can very often be handled better with the right expertise.

Why us ?

Family Offices have long been serviced by very expensive Banks, for high fees (hidden and otherwise).
We are different.
Approach Others Us
Unbiased and Independent Full-time employees or family members are often hesitant and uncomfortable when airing their frank views to family members. Not us. We have worked in a Family Office and are conscious of family dynamics. We will speak the truth and offer contrarian views. We are straight-talking and trustworthy – someone worth having at the table.
Commercial In our experience, generally speaking, family finances are disorganized and all over the place. There is no structure. And yes, no one dare call the emperor "naked." As an external party, we can ensure your internal team – and family members – are accountable and driven for success. The output can be measured objectively without biases or any conflict of interest.
No hidden fees Often bankers have to meet their targets and sell their products. They also buy you a Wimbledon ticket - from your own money obviously. We do not sell you products nor do we have a banking arm to convince you to borrow unnecessarily. You know what you pay and the value we add to your team.
Active -
Not activity
Your portfolio may not require a full-time employee. Even if you had someone, the person may be a generalist or often as we have seen a trusted accountant. An experienced investment professional is a big expense and it is always a bad idea when investment professionals are “busy” to justify their presence. There are slower ways to destroy your family wealth. We see ourselves as brain surgeons – specialists in what we do. You rarely need one on a full-time basis. Our approach to investment portfolios is to be vigilant about changing market dynamics - yet be "inactive." We buy and monitor our holdings but the approach is to let winners compound and do the hard work. When it comes to investing, frequent day-trading “activity” does not translate to better outcomes.

Our approach

Our advice is straightforward – and can be what a Family may not want to hear (but know it in their hearts).

We do not kick the can down the road. By doing what is needed, even if it means getting our hands dirty, we avoid unpleasant surprises.

All activities are undertaken with integrity and respect for confidentiality.

We do not hold any client money and you are always in full control.

What is the purpose of your wealth ?

If wealth is managed well, it often means life is well managed too.

Sadly, we have seen wealth become suffocating or frivolous and even a burden.

Ultimately, wealth should serve you and allow you to spend time on the big picture and live a life without worry.

What is the use of all the wealth if there is no peace of mind?

Family office bootcamp

We have undertaken educational programs to educate the wider family.